June 10, 2009
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When adding content to a website, often with blogs, many peoplewill write the content first in Word (or another text editor). Thishelps get rid of a lot of the worries of web editing; having yourpage time out when you save, losing your work, needing to knowHTML, formatting, etc. Unfortunately it is easy to forget that Wordis not a web editor and formatting in Word is different fromformatting on the web.
In Word you can set fonts, colours, sizes, and other textproperties for each document and what you see in the editor is howit will look on a page when you print it. The web is a littledifferent.
A web editor works by taking what it sees in the text area andconverting it into HTML and vice versa. When copying content fromWord into the editor, Word will try to preserve the styling andformatting that was applied to that content. Not only is oftenredundant (most people would prefer their fonts, and styling toremain consistent with the rest of the site) but Word (and othereditors) do this badly.
Simply copying and pasting text from Word puts a large chunk ofextra styling in the HTML. Some browsers deal with this better thanothers, but it can cause a number of problems for any browser. Toeasily get rid of this extra HTML code the 'Paste from word' and'Paste as Plain Text' buttons were created. Essentially thesefunctions strip out all but the most basic styling elements.
Paste as Plain text will remove things like tables and lists,but it is the safest option.
Paste from Word is a bit better- it will keep tables, lists andsome formatting, but it will get rid of most of the redundantcode
The most common problem when you do not use the 'Paste fromWord' function is inconsistent text. A typical case would be havingsome pages or blogs with small, Arial text, while others havelarger Times New Roman. While this is relatively minor, but itstill a pain for administrators.
More visible problems can happen too.
A rather serious looking problem that occasionally happens onsome communities is that entire sections of the blogs pagedisappear in Internet Explorer. Often this will show up as theright side bar disappearing.
This is pretty easy for an administrator to solve once it hasbeen identified, but it can be very disconcerting in the meantime.
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