October 15, 2008
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That's a fair question. I'll try to explain why in this verybrief article.
The IGLOO platform generates URLs by stripping non-alphanumericcharacters, removing white spaces, transforming to lowercaseletters, and truncating it to 10 characters. Easy stuff.
Now, let's say you've created a folder with an already existingname. You'll notice the URL will have a ~ character followed by anumber which represents the number of duplicates.
Using the igloosoftware website as an example, I'll show you thethinking process of our platform, and how you can give your URL's abeautiful facelift.
I'll start by creating a new menu item in our navigation called'Company & Organizations'.
Step 1: Removenon-alphanumeric characters. Result: 'Company Organizations'
Step 2: Removewhite space. Result: 'CompanyOrganizations'
Step 3: Lowercaseletters. Result: 'companyorganizations'
Step 4: Truncateto 10 characters. Result: 'companyorg'
Step 5: If resultis identical to an already existing name within the folder level,append a '~n' to the word. (n being the number of duplicates).Result: 'companyorg~2'
So the URL for that folder will be''.
Now, let's add more sense and beauty to our URL. When you createa new folder (or webpage), give it a word using only alphanumericcharacters. Using our previous example (Company &Organizations), just use 'Company' when you initially create thefolder. This allows you to give the URL a much cleaner look, which would be more sensicalthan
The next step in this clean-url business is to rename thefolder to the original name you had in mind, which would be'Company & Organizations'. This will have no affect on the URLsince renaming folders after they have been created doesn't changethe URL.
Keep this in mind when you start your community.
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