May 24, 2017
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The thought of using points in an Igloo might seem a little silly at first. Odds are if you're using it regularly, you're there to work, and there aren't points for working. But building a robust points and status system in your Igloo can help boost engagement, build quality content, and help members work more closely with each other.
The Points and Status area is accessible from your Control Panel, where Administrators can set up different status levels in your Igloo and decide what actions earn points. You can add custom sprites for badges and milestones, or use the defaults that come with your community. Once it's set up, people in your Igloo can take actions to earn points and earn status. You can also award badges to people, letting you reward them for specific things.
People can gain points from all kinds of things. Creating content, commenting, updating content, and adding labels are a few of the things that can rack up points, which will be calculated and added overnight. You can also set up bonus points, which will be earned if a piece of content gets a rating above the minimum rating you set, letting people reward others for adding content that's helpful or informative.
Use the Points and Status feature to focus people on areas you want to build out or develop. Encourage people to ask questions by increasing the point value of creating Forum topics, or to answer them by rewarding people for having responses marked as resolutions. Improve Wikis by raising values in the same way, or encourage internal blogging and commenting.
Some communities tie points and status levels to other rewards to encourage people to build and contribute in the community, and celebrate their contributors regularly. Ultimately, the points system is a way of finding people who are really working with your community and collaborating with others, and recognizing them for their efforts.
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