November 10, 2008
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Imagery Part 1: A Picture isWorth a Thousand Words
Ever wondered why an image you've uploaded to your site looksout of focus or slightly fuzzy like this...
...rather than like this image?
On the web images should be uploaded at their actual size (100%)in RGB colour mode, not sized-down or sized-up, this is the bestpractice for maximum quality imagery.
If you have to re-size an image and you don't have photo editingsoftware it's always best to size-down an image rather than size-up(you can do this in the IGLOOeditor).
The web works using pixels, images online are just small squaresof colour that when seen at a distance (and at 100%) become a sharpclear image. When you increase or decrease the size of an imagebeyond its actual size the pixels have to compensate for missingdata and therefore can look out of focus or broken down.
The bad example above is what an image would look like when thesize is increased considerably. You can actually see large areas oflike coloured pixels where missing data was made up. When an imageis decreased in size data is being taken away rather than beingcreated from nothing.
Acceptable file formats for the web are:
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