October 27, 2008
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The world is divided into Right brain and Left brain people.Images grab the attention and resonate more with right brainthinkers. While left brain people are more attracted by headlinesand the text that follows. Either way, both images and text areequally important to have in order to grab as much of your audienceas possible.
The world is busy and fast passed - you only have minutes, ifnot seconds, to grab someone's attention and make a connection. Byincluding imagery on your website that compliments the content withit you will connect with a larger number of people.
Use images wisely, not everything needs an image beside it.Choose the most important or note worthy information and add animage to enhance and draw attention to it.
A common trend is to have a large banner image at the top of asite that acts as a feature area for timely information. You mayalso want to add icons to links to give them more prominenceoutside of the navigation (see example below).
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