October 6, 2008
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In Part 1 we talked about fonts and how many youshould use on your site. The General rule is to use no more than 3fonts.
Here is a guide you can use when applying the fonts you’vechosen to your web site.
Your website headings should be larger than the rest of thecontent on the page and usually in a colour that stands out (bythis I don’t mean that you need to pick a bright colour, justa colour that is different from the content and has enoughcontrast).
For headings, serif fonts are generally easier to read andstand out from large amounts of sans-serif content.
Headers should be the same font throughout your site. Havingdifferent heading fonts, font sizes and colours can confuse thereader which may discourage them from continuing or returning toyour web site.
Your web site’s main content (body copy) can be either a serif or sans-serif font,however use a sans-serif font when text is below 12px - serifs canbegin to degrade if the font is any smaller.
Don’t use solid black as a colour for your content –the contrast is too much against a white background for largeamounts of text. Instead use a dark gray such as 65-80% black, forexample the colour of content on the IGLOO web site is - hex value#848484. By using a gray tone the eye can read more, longer beforefeeling strained.
Your 3rd font choice is optional. This font should be reservedfor special callouts, such as promotions and links to special areason or off your web site. Use this font sparingly to draw attentionto links that are most exciting and important. Remember what wetalked about in Part 1, don’t under estimate theversatility of font families. Instead of introducing a new font alltogether try different versions of the same font.
Consistency plays a key role in earning the trust of each personthat visits your website. The more consistent you are in using andimplementing your font selections the less guess work there willbe. It should be very clear what a header is, what is content andwhat is a special callout/link. If you are consistent the personlooking at your site will quickly learn what these elements are foryour site and instinctively know what to look for on otherpages.
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