June 26, 2014
members are following updates on this item.
Effective July 1st, 2014, Commercial Electronic Messages (CEMs) sent to recipients in Canada will be governed by Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).
The new CASL legislation is complex, with a number of nuances and exceptions. Depending on the nature of messages sent via the Igloo platform, they may or may not be regulated by the new legislation. Igloo has developed our CASL compliance policy through consultation with outside counsel, who was able to provide advice based on our specific situation. If you have access to counsel, it may be worth a review with them.
If the community sign up page is the primary way by which you capture and obtain new email addresses, you may want to look into customizing your sign up page to include a consent statement/checkbox, to obtain consent to communicate electronically with them in the future.
The CRTC has provided a number of resources related to CASL compliance, and we're happy to share these with you.
Overview of CASL:
CRTC recorded webinar:
Webinar presentation:
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