March 9, 2009
members are following updates on this item.
Yahoo is blocking them and they are not being delivered.
Nothing, IGLOO will resend all system generated emails(invitations, notifications, messages, etc).
You have two choices:
Once we were notified we followed up with the requesteddocumentation and have been contacting Yahoo daily. We are workingwith them to get this resolved ASAP. This article will be updatedas new information becomes available.
You are welcome to contact us at
Thank you in advance for your patience and we are working to getthis resolved as quickly as possible.
IGLOO Support
Page Options
IGLOO is completing every online form and providing every detailasked for by Yahoo but this issue still remains unresolved. Thisremains high priority and we hope it will be resolved soon.
Watch this blog for updates!
Our logs show that emails that contain Yahoo and Rogers as thedomain are now BEING DELIVERED! We have not had any officialconfirmation from Yahoo (who controls Rogers email) that we areofficially off the grey list so we still monitoring this situationclosely.
We will begin re-sending any emails that were not delivered insmall increments because we don't want to flood Yahoo (Rogers) andget blocked again.
IGLOO Support
Has Yahoo given us the clear yet?
Yahoo has not given us any official communication to indicatethat we have officially been removed from their greylist. However,since we never officially notified that we were ON the greylistthis is not surprising.
At this point all we can do is monitor all communications andidentify patterns. We do monitor all undelivered emails on a dailybasis which allows us to discover such patterns and begin takingnecessary steps.
Stephanie - Let me know if this addresses your question.