August 6, 2015
members are following updates on this item.
Earlier this week, we discovered an issue related to the blogging capability with our latest release, Wolf. When posting a new blog article, or editing an existing blog article, the body of the article may disappear when the article is published or re-published. This issue may also have been experienced in other applications such as wikis and calendars.
We have now fully resolved this issue and all functionality has been restored to normal.
We would like to be transparent about what happened and our plan for preventing this in the future. This issue was introduced as a result of optimizations of our multilingual capability included in our Wolf release. This change impacted both single and multilingual communities. This issue was not detected during our testing process, as it only surfaced under specific load conditions isolated to our production environment. We will be updating our testing process to ensure these types of changes are discovered and fixed during our development process.
We would like to apologize for any inconvenience or impact this may have had on your community. We value your investment in us as a trusted partner and want to assure you that quality, security, availability and performance continue to be our top priority.
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Hello Mike Rocco. I have not heard a formal plan on when those changes will be enacted, but if you, or anyone else, would like that change made ahead of time, just send in a request to and we'll take care of it tomorrow.
When we identified this issue, we posted a couple of test blogs and I would like to remove those test blogs. Is there a way of deleting these?
You should be able to delete your blogs in the normal way. Just go to the article and click on the "Actions Tab" assuming you have full permission on that article, the option to delete will appear.
This happened to us - we could recover much of the content using version history (luckily no important new content was posted at the time). We couldn't though recover an important calendar event due to calendars having no version history. This feature (version history) would have saved the day and it also, if it were a feature, would be a valuable resource for our shows and events coordinator.