Scone, our latest release, is coming this Friday August 30. If you haven't checked out the summary yet, here are a few things you'll notice.
New Stuff
Document previews - we're introducing a new conversion engine and document viewer that removes Igloo's dependency on Flash and produces a faster, higher-quality preview, on more browsers and devices.
- Support for more file types: doc(x), xls(x), csv, ppt(x), pdf, txt, rtf, msg and vsd
- Support for more devices: HTML previews for iOS, Android powered tablets and smartphones
- Flexible viewing options: traditional (single page), storybook (two pages) or thumbnail views
- More nav options: support for rotations (no more doc previews on their side) and touch gestures (pinch, zoom)
- Bandwidth-friendly viewing: progressive loading - downloading just the pages requested by the user
- Backwards compatibility: previously uploaded files remain in the FlashPaper viewer until a version is added
Video previews - Igloo has also integrated with an open source video and audio player to enable you to upload and embed videos with HTML5 playback on virtually any device.
- Support for more video formats: asf, avi, flv, m4v, mkv, mov, movie, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, ogv, viv, and wmv
- Support for more devices: HTML5 previews for iOS, Android powered tablets and smartphones
- Better embed options: upgraded to iframe to support device and browser logic on user-entered content
- Bandwidth-friendly viewing: intelligent device detection serves up SD quality (360p) for mobile, HD (720p) for desktops
- Backwards compatibility: previously uploaded videos remain in the FlashPaper viewer until a version is added
Social analytics - Igloo's social analytics are being redesigned from the ground up starting with the launch of a new dashboard.
- Clean interface: redesigned the home page to provide an overview of the health of your community
- New filters: added the ability to filter reports in real-time specifying: date range, space, channel, group and/or user
Slideshow widget - we're adding a new widget to the library. The slideshow widget simplifies the process of building a customizable slideshow for an easy, eye-catching way to display a series of articles or posts.
- Supported content types: blogs, forums, calendars (single source selection)
- Layout controls: control the timing of transitions, size of the widget and the style of navigation
- Content controls: control image size and the length of title, summary and body text
Other Enhancements
- Better icons - we've redesigned the file type icons to make it easier to find what you're looking for in a folder or the activity stream
- Download as PDF - a new button enables you to download a file in its original format or as a PDF, eliminating the need to maintain a production file and a working draft
- New roles - added a 'manage labels' role, so you can delegate the management of your information taxonomy
- Resizable text boxes - resize the comment, microblog or broadcast boxes; also added new controls for clear format, indent (including sub-bullets) and outdent
- Calendar widget - added a daily view to the widget layout options, upgraded notification options for attendees when modifying or rescheduling an event
- Search widget - shows results for both people and content (just like the community-wide search)
Other Fixes
- Site manager - all channel types now offer the option to "hide from navigation"
- Space cloning - we've improved the way that team spaces are cloned, including a fix to maintain group subscription settings
- Add content button - when you click the add content button on a blog, calendar, folder or forum widget, channels are pre-selected (for single select) or displayed as a drop-down (for multi-select)
- Email notifications - we've made it easier to sort notifications in your inbox by listing the member first, rather than the community name in the from field (e.g. John Smith via Customer Care, rather than Customer Care - John Smith)
In order to update the Igloo service with all these great new features, we will be offline from 9pm ET on Friday August 30 to 1am ET on Saturday August 31. If you have any questions about the downtime, please email
Scone looks great! When will the new HTML viewer kick in? We still have Flashpaper. Is there a setting I'll need to configure?
Same question as I am unable to preview on an iPad a flash video previoulsy saved on my development system.
You will need to upload a new version to trigger the new preview softwar to run.
I am not sure i understand your reply. Should i upload a new version of the flash video?
My training and development communities were updated but I am now unable to view video on my Android tablet.
This is a major disappointment. Everybody was waiting for the new document viewer. Isn't this something you can run on the database? I was hoping the long weekend would have been enough time to convert all documents and I'm equally stumped about the new feature only applying to new documents or versions...
Long weekend is North America Only, European and Asian customers are active already. We were testing until Saturday evening so we actually have less time to re-process this weekend then the next.
We couldn't just re-do everyones previews because of embed codes. Any Embed video and document previews would break because the embed codes would no longer be valid. This would upset another subset of users that currenlty have things embeded.
I will start taking re-processing requests at, Email me there and once the I am confident the software will handle the re-process's well I can schedual batch jobs in off hours to get that done for everyone.
The slideshow widget link above is a dead link - do you have the information on creating slideshows somewhere else? Thanks.
Sorry, we moved around all the doumentation
It is here now.
Thanks, Bryan!
Where can we find the new 'Manage Labels' role?
Oops, That was pulled from the release at the last minute because of a technical problem QA found. That was supposed to be pulled from the notes.
Apologies, it is currenlty back in the QA cycle. I will try to track down a planned timeline for it.
The Manage Labels Role is now available.