October 28, 2013
members are following updates on this item.
A new version of Igloo's mobile app is now available in the Apple App Store and on Google Play. This update includes expanded filtering options, faster page load times and improved security.
What's New in Version 2.5
- Added the ability to filter content dynamically from the activity stream or more permanently in settings
- Increased the number of password supported characters to include symbols found on the keyboard
What's Fixed in Version 2.5
- Page load times are now 25% faster
- Personal profiles are no longer accessible when that person has been revoked
- Fixed a bug to prevent revoked users from signing in
- Added a validation step when adding contacts from your Igloo to your phone (Android users)
For more information, check out the release notes for an introduction to the app or read the how-to guide for installing and using the app.
Page Options
How do I know what to enter when it prompts for the igloo community please?
Good morning Brad,
The field required for the mobile app to connect is the community URL. If you are experiencing difficulties, try connecting with the "www." at the beginning of the address.
Best wishes,
This is great. The first version that works well for us!
One comment on file names. They are cut off when too long. It would be helpful if the entire file name were listed in the detail view.
Thank you for the feedback Michael Dieterle! I'll pass this along to the developer of the application.
Thanks Sorena. It's saying that its not a valid URL.
trying www.[name]
Good afternoon Brad,
Would you be able to let me know what type of device you are attempting to connect with and the name of your community?
If you would prefer you could send a ticket in to and provide the information so that I can further look into this for you.
Best wishes,
Hi Sorena,
Its the CIMA site. Let me speak with the project manager as he may have an immediate answer. I was sent the invite to this help area as part of the project I think.