January 17, 2014
members are following updates on this item.
We've recently launched our new LDAP sync tool, which will allow your organization to have more accute control over exactly how their Active Directory's information is brought into Igloo.
The new LDAP sync tool is a small program that is installed, configured and run on the AD server, and can be managed entirely by the administrator. This means that the admin can configure exactly which profile fields are synced into Igloo, map different OUs within the AD to groups within Igloo, and schedule regular syncs as often as necessary. For more information on the sync tool, how it is configured and what it can do, have a look at the support article on the Igloo LDAP Sync Tool.
If you're not familiar with LDAP syncing, this is an option that allows a community to pull user information from an Active Directory (AD), and sync it to Igloo user profiles. This means that whenever a user's profile is updated in the AD, it will also be updated in the Igloo platform. (For more information on LDAP syncing and how it works, have a look at the article on our support site about LDAP Sync.)
For more information on implementing LDAP syncing for your community, be sure to speak to your account manager.
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1 Comment
Trying to download the LDAP sync tool and all the links are broken