Maintenance Window: Friday July 10, 2009
To keep our systems running at optimum performance and maintainour uptime standards IGLOO routinely performs maintenance. Ourmaintenance is typically unnoticed by our customers but certainelements may require interruption to your service. We make everyattempt to minimize the impact to our customers by selecting a timethat statistically is low in usage.
During the maintenance window, Friday, July 10, 2009, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT wewill be doing the following:
1. To ensure stability for our secondary services such asflashpaper, email notification we are updating our SAN firmwarewhich supports these functions. The upgrades will takeapproximately two hours and may result in complete outage of theseservices; however access to majority of the IGLOO environment willnot be affected.
2. We are adding automatic transfer switches to improve powerredundancy. The installation of this device will result in IGLOOservices being offline for approximately 5-10 for installation andduring this time you can expect an error page (such as "ServerUnavailable") as there will be no access to the IGLOOenvironment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ourcustomer support team at:
The IGLOO Team
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