January 21, 2010
members are following updates on this item.
To keep our systems running at optimum performance and maintain our uptime standards IGLOO routinely performs maintenance. Our maintenance is typically unnoticed by our customers but certain elements may result in a momentary interruption to your service. We make every attempt to minimize the impact to our customers by selecting a time that statistically is low in usage.
During the maintenance window, Saturday January 30, 2010, 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST, we will be doing a series of infrastructure related improvements to enhance performance, reliability and scalability for the future. These improvements include upgrades to hardware and servers and will require a 90 min full outage from 4:00-5:30 PM EST, during which IGLOO services will be offline. Even though we will continue with our maintenance until 8:00pm EST, your site is expected to back online by 5:30 EST.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer support team.
The IGLOO Team
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