December 18, 2008
members are following updates on this item.
We're pleased to announce the following productenhancements:
We've made some significant improvements to your profileoptions, including the addition of new fields, new functionalityand newly exposed data. You can now use profiles to:
Under your account details, you can choose the followingactions:
Once your information has been updated, you can select whatdetails you want to share using the Privacy Tab. This provides you with ability to setthree options:
Your current privacy settings default to Nobody if not selectedor Everybody if selected.
You now have the ability to make contextual subscriptions, suchas the ability to subscribe to an item while commenting on it, orthe ability to subscribe to an article when it is created.
In an upcoming release—administrators will be able tobroadcast (via email) to all members; members will be able tobroadcast only to groups that they belong to.
We are pleased to introduce our wiki feature in beta. Beta meansthat we have a controlled group testing and giving us feedback toprepare for the full release that is expected in early 2009. If youwould like to participate in our beta program contact More information willbe available when the wiki is released.
We hope you found this update helpful. For more detailed "howto" information, we've created an online video tutorial.
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