October 27, 2008
members are following updates on this item.
We're excited to introduce this quarter's latest and greatestproduct upgrades for IGLOO's online community suite. Key highlightsinclude:
We're pleased to announce the IGLOO Wiki - in Alpha releaseonly. The Alpha Wiki will be launched to a select control group.Stay tuned for Beta release sometime in 2009!
Messaging has joined the IGLOO suite as a collaborative andsocial networking tool. Now you can create and send simple messagesto any member who belongs to your community or network quickly andeasily. Gone is the need to open up your email inbox to send short,quick messages to members in your network.
Messaging is ideal for sending reminders, updates and questionsrelated to members of your corporate social network. This is justanother way of promoting ad-hoc collaboration across yourorganization.
Within your network or community, there are three places you cansend a message from:
1. Member Directory
2. Your Contacts list
3. On an item's landing page
Messages are saved and stored in your Message tab (in yourProfile). From here you can:
Link to your Messages from your user bar
We've brought your user experience completely in context bymoving Profiles to the Member Directory space. Your profilefunctionally has not changed, just its location. Most notably, yourAccount information (now called "Login Setting") has been movedfrom the main tab navigation into the Edit Profile section.
Other users will only be able to see your Profile tab. From herethey can send you a message or add you as a contact.
Image Inserter: Browsing images in the imageinserter just became easier. Now hovering over the image displaysthe name of the image making it easier to find the correct imagefor insertion.
1. Single file upload has changed to provide the userwith a status bar (much like the multi-file upload has).
2. In the Control Panel, administrators can click on amember's name to open a page to manage that particular user. Thepage has been refined to include:
3. Our Google Analytics integration is now compatiblewith both the 'old' urchin.js code and the 'new' ga.js code. Administrators are required to input the UAnumber for Google tracking to be set up. The existing version ofthe tracker should continue to function until the end of 2008.Note: Google will only roll out new features on the new ga.js tracker.
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