July 20, 2017
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By introducing support for Zapier, customers will now be able to eliminate manual steps in their workflows between third-party applications and Igloo. Zapier supports over 750 applications. Instead of wasting time filing, copying, and sharing information between apps, Zapier can do this work for you. Igloo will be entering the Zapier app directory as a beta app soon!
We are introducing four new Salesforce reporting widgets that will display a dashboard inside your digital workplace and allow you to view the health of your sales pipeline. These dashboards convey valuable metrics that will allow you to inform and focus your sales and marketing efforts without requiring Salesforce expertise. Those widgets are:
We are also adding additional security and audit capability to the platform. Customers who engage with their workplace via shared terminals can now choose to have sessions end upon browser close, reducing the likelihood of someone forgetting to log out.
To better enable admins to audit workplace activity, we're adding an audit note to Microblog posts when it is edited. This will allow administrators to have full visibility into the changes made to a microblog post, which is especially important when that post may have been edited by someone other than the original author (i.e. site or space level admin).
An update to the Igloo LDAP Sync Tool will allow administrators to enable or disable the synchronization of blank fields in Active Directory. When an Active Directory profile field is enabled with this feature, the corresponding Igloo field will be over-written and also made blank. When disabled (the default state), the corresponding Igloo field will not be over-written and cleared.
Stay tuned for our announcement next week where we'll dive into the details of this upcoming release.
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