March 30, 2009
members are following updates on this item.
We're pleased to announce the following productenhancements:
Members of a community can now broadcast blog articles to morethan one group at a time! The group listing displays with checkboxes and expands with a scroll bar when necessary. Clicking on thearrow icon beside the group name will open up a new browser windowto the group's member listing in the member directory. Rememberonly Administrators can email the "Members" & "Administration"groups.
Members of a community will have the ability to privatelymessage the Administrators of the community from any page toprovide feedback, report abusive behavior, or to report technicalproblems. The Feedback button is located at the bottom right ofthe page trailer; the default action is the Feedback option.Administrators can disable or remove this feature from the trailerbar in Control Panel's Settings section.
Clicking on the feedback button will trigger a modal popup boxthat allows the user to define the subject and body of the message;users also have the choice of changing the subject option(feedback, report abuse, or report issue).
The reporting messages are similar to standard messages with theexceptions of:
Community Administrators can now add global meta Tags to theircommunity. The meta tag provides metadata about the community thatwill not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable.Meta elements are typically used to specify page description andkeywords which are picked up by search engines and other webservices. Please visit w3schools.comto learn about HTML meta tags.
A private beta release showcases new functionalitythat has gained enough stability through alpha and formal qualityassurance testing to be released on production to a controlledgroup. Two new exciting features are now in private beta and arebeing reviewed before they are released to the public during theupcoming months:
We hope you found this update helpful; for more information,please visit our Tools and Resources section.
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