March 2, 2009
members are following updates on this item.
We're pleased to announce the following productenhancements:
We are pleased to introduce our wiki feature in Public Beta. Introducing a new feature in Public Beta allows development to continue totweak and enhance the feature, while simultaneously allowingcommunity members to use the feature within their community withlive data and actual work flows. Public Beta users are encouraged to providefeedback on technical and usability issues, as well as recommendpotential enhancements. Feedback is being documented on ourCustomer Care site in a dedicated forum for beta program feedback.
Note: Although the beta wiki has been added toevery community, it remains 'hidden" so that it will not disruptestablished navigation, etc. Administrators can show theapplication in the Control Panel/Navigation window. Use the arrowbutton beside the wiki item to select "Show" from the drop downmenu.
We hope you found this update helpful. For more detailed "howto" information, please visit our Customer CareSite.
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